DPS909 0.3 Release – Blog 2

The 0.3 Release is already underway and it seems that everyone is currently working on their pull requests for either the external or internal open source projects. It seems that people have already made pull requests for certain projects. Three pull requests must be completed by this Friday and I am still working on my first pull request. My goal is to complete the pull request for the internal open source project. I am currently working on the GitHub Dashboard. The pull request that I’m currently working on is to gather data from a GitHub repository using Octokit/rest.js. I am in the process of gathering some kind of simple data from a GitHub repository just to make sure it works. After I complete that, I can push my contributions to the GitHub Dashboard which can be used in the future to add to this dashboard.

For my external open source project I am still undecided as to what I will be working on. I have been looking at Microsoft/vscode but it seems that it is mostly written in Typescript and I do not have much experience with that. I would honestly like to make a pull request for a repository where a language that I am experienced in is being used. With all of my other course work, I do not think I would have the time to familiarize myself with a different language for a certain project then make a pull request. Going into this course I was open to working in Swift and possibly an iOS project but that would most likely require me to have a MacBook. I’m already taking an iOS course this semester and I have to spend many hours in the library to use a Mac since I do not have one for personal use. So working on an issue from mozilla-mobile/focus-ios is out of the question. But there are many other repositories where I could make a contribution.

Some repositories where I could make a contribution could be filerjs/filer. I have some experience working with this repository from the 0.1 Release. I could possibly find an issue or a bug and make some sort of improvement to the repository. Another repository that has my attention is notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus. Notepad++ is a text editor which I use regularly so it would be kind of cool to make some sort of improvement to it and the great thing about it is that it is written mostly in C++ which is a language that I have some experience in. Other repositories which I have some interest in are some Android applications such as TeamAmaze/AmazeFileManager and dkim0419/SoundRecorder. Both repositories are written in mostly Java which is another language that I have experience in and I also have experience working with Android applications from a course that I took two years ago which was on Mobile Application Development with Android.

All these choices are a bit overwhelming but I am sure that I can decide by tomorrow what external projects I can work on. But another thing that I would have to decide on is the second internal issue that I would have to work on. I’m going to have to communicate with the other members of the GitHub Dashboard to decide on what else would need to be added for this week and the following weeks before the 0.4 Release due date comes up. But I believe that I can complete all of the assigned tasks before they are all due. With some time management and a bit of research I can complete my tasks in time and possibly learn something new while working.

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